Written and Directed by James Cameron, The Avatar movie was the most beautifully directed movie ever. After watching the movie with my mates in 3D, I was thrilled with the CG world and I was sucked in to the movie instantly. Everything about the movie was EPIC, literally everything. I absolutely loved it, the whole concept of connecting to the mother nature through your hair is just brilliant and mind blowing especially how everything in Pandora can be connected to you if you only attach the tip of your hair to one of the creatures or the trees. To be able to feel everything what the horse is feeling through the tip of your hair is magnificent.
If only Pandora existed, I would do anything to live there. I have fallen in Love with this movie and I just want to read the book and understand the story in much greater detail.
I Also found that there is a book called The Art of Avatar, I will seek to buy, when I get the chance.
I wish my vocabulary was much wider, so that I could elaborate the feeling that I have and things that I want to say and write in much more beautiful way to gulp my readers into my mind.
James Cameron never rushed in telling the story and it was definitely worth watching it for 2hrs without going to toilet.
If anyone wishes to disagree, then that is your opinion but before you start being harsh on the movie, just imagine of all the hard work that has been put into to produce such high quality work and on top its mostly on CG. This is a top quality work of art.
Meanwhile, if you haven't seen the movie just yet, enjoy the trailer below in HD and I highly recommend you to go and watch it whether it be on 3D or just normal screen but both experience is a must.
AVATAR - The Movie
Small update
Just a quick post about a different perspective that I have chosen, I hope this view will create the uncanny effect.
My previous post was about suicide and after hearing from Phil about the matter, I have considered a new approach. Instead of the scene being in the room I have come to the conclusion of creating an outside scene. I feel this will create much more dynamic and uneasy feel to the audience.I will add more post again soon...after I draw the thumbnails in digitally.
The Uncanny Project
As for my uncanny project I am going to set the scene based from my sister's room. It is a long story but I allow me to shorten the story and the reasons of choosing my sister's room.
The reason for the chosen uncanny image
Writing from experience:
The camera angle that I have chosen is from my sister's perspective view.
At the age of 12 or 13 I had the intention to commit suicide after school and left a note in my sister's room on her table and went to my lessons. During lesson time, my sister came to my class, crying her heart out and slapped me across my face and telling me how stupid I was to even think of such thing. At the time, my decision came to conclusion because all the bullying I received at school and also some little disagreement between me and my family.
At the time I thought everybody hated me and and that I was useless and nobody wanted to be my friends or even get to know me. I lived 4 years in Czech and then I came to England.
I always thought about how my sister reacted at the fact when she saw my note on her table. I could never tell but I am going to use this Unit to try and express that uncanny feeling that my sister must have felt. I am sorry.
If my sister had ignored that note, I would have been long gone.
I am sorry if it is too personal but I would try to keep it to minimum level. Am not sure whether if any of you guys went through the same thing. I hope not.
Unheimlich (Animation)
Found a nice video about Unheimlich...
This is a student made video
Enjoy ^_^
Transformer Dress turns into Naked Lady
This post is not related with our course but more for Fashion students. I was looking for textures online and came across this website. Have a look and watch till the end.
Is this the new revolution for Fashion?...I hope not, but I liked how the cloth and colour changed for the movie Ultraviolet. So I'd prefer that kind of technology but not this one. Anyway enjoy the video.
Click Here
Just a quick post before I go to sleep, I had been thinking to write about this topic for a while now. Never came about to actually post it, last week I went back to my college just to see my tutor and find out how he has been doing ever since I last saw him.
During our conversation we started to talk about CG and the believability of it, then he said, the only time that he had forgotten that he was watching a CG movie was when he saw the Old Doctor in the Final Fantasy The Spirits Within movie.
So I decided to watch that scene again myself just to see the CG once more and I couldn't disagree about it. Square Enix have the best animators working for them.
So I have a question, what is the real purpose of the CG?...
is it to create an animated movie?..
or is it to create a realism, and if so, have we achieved the realism?...
When you start to look at a lot of CG movies that have such an awesome high quality renders to them, you just start to know that it is CG, simply because of lack of animation, or a tiny bit of shininess to a cloth, which in turn makes it look fake and plastic.
One other important factor is to capture emotion, I think capturing the emotion of the audience is the most hardest challenge still faced even with today's technology. For example, there are lots of CG movies that have a cartoon effect such as Pixar's movie UP, FINDING NEMO, CARS. etc. They are all well directed and the stories are fun and all that, but I would simply forget the movie after a month or so because it hasn't fully touched the human emotion.
I know it is a hard job and I hope someday we the CG Artists and Animators can achieve the ultimate goal of REALISM.
Fire Alarm
I was working on my Maya work and then at 7:45pm the fire alarm went on, kinda jumped and it was so LOUD... Jolanta then told me she heard the alarm the 3rd time. So I guess, they wanted us to go?...maybe. Anyway, am stuck on my Macbook and that means no more Maya for tonight. But I am going to use the time to work on the other stuff. Such as research and sketches. Oh yes, the remaining reviews.
LoL...I fell asleep the second time on the review. I feel bad, well on the second review I was in my bed writing on my laptop and then, I woke up realizing that I fell asleep. It was a tough day for me.
However for now it is:
For me this movie was quite a weird and very silent movie. You could never tell what she was thinking. It is a very psychological film and the Roman Polanski the director is very well known to be awesome in psychic genre. As I started to read the reviews from other sources I came to realize that the Repulsion was his first English language film and that he is portraying the story from a foreigner's point of view in Britain (London).
The movie seems to include some erotic scenes and a lot of thrilling moments. The use of camera angles (perspective) reflect to an uncanny feeling. If most of the camera angles were stopped at certain time we would have a lot of frames that are creepy to look at. The camera angles played a big role into making this movie very disturbing.
The ending of the movie became more dramatic when the camera focused on the family photo to reveal ALL the reasons of why she was behaving in certain ways. I think her father used to sleep with her and abuse her, and it explains the reasons of why she felt terrified of males.
Maya Update 7
Finally got my house model finished, unfortunately just going to start on the last folder now. Folder 3 is finished, will upload the UV Texture Editor Maps later on. For now, I am going to jump on to my last folder and look forward to Rendering it...
Invaders from Mars
I am impressed with the other students on how much research that they have made and the film reviews are (like Phil says...) delight to read. My last post about The Invasion of the Body Snatchers was meant to be draft and published for later...but...I fell asleep while I was typing and the post was published accidentally and never finished as the way I wanted it to. However, today I am going to write the remaining reviews. Hopefully I would upload quite a lot of things by tonight and tomorrow.
My Maya Street Project is going slow because I am having to spend more time on fiddling with the UV Texture Editor and it is quite a complex texturing method. However I am still working on it. The door is left for Maya and hopefully I can finish it by tomorrow evening before I leave Uni around 8pm.
Watching a movie that was made in 1953 it is bound to be funny in some perspectives but this movie was funny throughout the whole running time. Classified as Science fiction film and Directed by William Cameron Menzies. It is believed to be one of the most expensive film ever made in that period of time. However, the movie failed to please me with its repetitive scenes and endless amount of running and eventually I got tired and bored in the end. I found the beginning to be interesting and a strong start to the movie but lost interest at the end.
One of the things that I found a bit odd was about the actors. They didn't seem professional enough to do a better job, however I think the little kid did the best job in terms of acting.
The costume design for the aliens was good at the time and they designed the eye as the same as an insects eye such as Fly. Also they did good job with the boss of the alien, the editing was good enough to make it believable - that character in a big round fish aquarium.
Overall - the only good thing about the movie is that it was funny in some aspects because of the way they acted and behaved. I think the director could have made the movie so much better if they had enough funding from their distributor.
....am falling asleep once more...will update tomorrow.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Finally having some time for myself and its 10pm. It really sucks the enthusiasm out of you, when you only get the time to do stuff at this time. By 10pm am already tired and sleepy. However I am going to write my two reviews as I promised before.
Looking back, I have just realized this review would be my second review, ever since the start of the course. My first one was The picture of Dorian Gray.
Been quite bad with the reviews. However, here is my review
Having watched the classic movies that was made in mid 50's or 60's I have come to start liking the style of movies and preferring more of it (Thank you Phil ^_^). Invasion of the Body Snatchers was a fun and an interesting one. The story begins with a Doctor arriving in his old hometown and everything seems so fine like every other day. Until some time during his day, a child was reported to be claiming his mother is not his mother. The case seemed quite unusual and he thought the kid was going through some sort of illusion/brain occlusion. On the next day, he hears the same case being occured to someone who relatively knew and was quite familiar. He starts to become suspicious of the behaviours and starts to observe the people around him. To cut the story short, almost every single person becomes infected by an Alien specie and only the Doctor and his Girlfriend was left to become one of the aliens. They start to take over your body as soon as you go to sleep
Maya still to be paused...
Having come back home to London I have find myself being busy yet again. Hopefully I would have the time in the evening to start on my Maya and look forward to finishing it off.
I also have to write a review about the two movies that I have watched. So the reviews will be written today before I sleep.
Having heard about the presentation about the uncanny and also from Monday's lecture. I have come to realize that I am finding it extremely interesting over what made certain people do what they did and how they lived their life. Which also gave me an idea about something spectacular.
Anyway, I shall be back to my blog tonight.
By the way am currently reading a book called "The Belgariad" written by David Eddings and it is so awesome. Just only started but read the book if you can. I shall review the book also when I have finished reading it. ^^... good day to you all.
Maya to be paused...
I will come back to my Maya when I get back to London tonight. So, won't be updating anytime soon. ^^
Maya Update 6
Right, update number 6 is here... Finished the stairs and moving onto the front window rails.
Maya Update 5
Update number 5...went quite fast for this time...but still loads more to do.
Maya Update 4
Its been a VERY slow progress...but hopefully I would speed up from now.
Back to Maya
Right am back in Uni now. Going to progress onto the stages...
Will post the update soon... :-)
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- Timeline Animation (1)
- AVATAR - The Movie
- Small update
- The Uncanny Project
- Unheimlich (Animation)
- The Lost Treasure
- Transformer Dress turns into Naked Lady
- Textures
- CG
- Fire Alarm
- Maya Update 7
- Invaders from Mars
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- Maya still to be paused...
- Maya to be paused...
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- Maya Update 5
- Maya Update 4
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