I should have been in the grip of this project already by this time. However I have been jumping from one idea to another, perhaps I haven't shown and proved the research in this blog because it was all done withing my mind. However I feel this is the right path that I am taking and therefore I am blogging it. I would explore more in depth about this research. The title for this concept could be 'Revealing Secret Identity' this doesn't concern with gender changing or anything but just trying to see through a portrait.

Tutor Phil's last presentation was about Death within a Portrait and I found it very touching also very disturbing to see a dead person photographed in style. Especially the baby portraits was the ones that I couldn't dare to see but I forced myself.

At the time when Phil showed one photographer who used the Photography to reveal the dead persons spirits within his portrait, I didn't consider too much of the idea. However as I started to think more about narrowing down what I truly wanted to show through my portrait was that I have another me within myself who wishes to be free and WILD. I feel I am concealing that version of myself inside of me. Below I have drawn a sketch of my idea and roughly edited a picture of myself to try and clear the idea.
The Concept
The Prototype 1
The Prototype 2
As you can see from the above images that I am remaining calm and happy but is this really what I want to show?...What kind of person is the one inside of me?...Better than me?...Worse than me?...Is it the real me?...

So many questions...

Truthfully, this is how I feel everyday, there is part of me that I want to be extremely wild and bad person but part of me that is stronger and better who knows what is right and wrong is concealing. Sometimes I feel weak and I feel it has taken over me. I guess everyone feels the same, but how exactly?


My second idea is similar to the previous post of Research Photos - Image 5 - Dreams by Gosia Janik. I was thinking of using the typography style of how the words are coming out of the subjects hand. However this time, it would reflect on what I am feeling and going through. The words could include:...betrayal...injustice...heartbreak...sorrow...hatred... etc. I could go on...

The subject in the portrait (myself)...would be walking somewhere in the street but not in an ordinary street. Somewhere ghetto with graffiti involved, to help guide the feeling that I am trying to send out to my audiences. The typography could start to drop from his pockets, or his trousers. Of course the typography would be styled and wouldn't look plain and boring. See below for a sketch and rough photo editing to help guide the idea.

The Concept

