This is my final chosen angle for the camera - I am not entirely happy with the result because I don't have texture and not enough details as I hoped. In the beginning of this project I wrote a post regarding about the concept idea for this piece and the meanings.

The Self Portrait and The Uncanny projects has awaken my long suppressed memories of my childhood. I was one of those kids who used to get bullied in a daily routine.

The Self Portrait piece was inspired from my childhood lifestyle and I used a timeline feature to indicate certain time changes.

The Uncanny Project is similar to the stories of bully but taken to another level. In one of my previous post I included a concept of a room visualising from a persons viewpoint but Phil said it needs more understanding and meaning. So I kicked back and thought a lot about rooms and interiors as to how I could draw and deliver the message that I am trying to make. However as time went on, it started to eat itself and I lost track of time. I guess most of us did.

In my previous post I mentioned about suicide, which I tried to attempt in my childhood days. There used to be rail bridge that needs to be crossed in order for me to go to my Tae-Kwon-Do lessons in Czech. That bridge was known as -The Death Bridge- reason is simple -suicide-.

That rail bridge was used a lot by people who committed suicide,(never seen anyone jump off that bridge but at least that was the rumour back then) I still wonder today as to why no one ever built a barrier to stop or even protect people from jumping off the rail bridge. Anyhow, I had everything planned to jump off from that rail bridge but was haulted at school during my lesson time by my sister.

Nothing brave to post about it but I feel this would be the most creepy or uncanny piece.

The view of the image below is visioned from my own viewpoint - What if I jumped off that bridge and what would I see before my death?...

I call it...